Welcome to CBS
Congratulations on your study place! Here, on studystart.cbs.dk, you will find all you need to know when starting your studies at CBS
Your study start at cbs
Many new students wonder about what it is going to be like to start at CBS. And most students are both excited and a little bit worried about meeting many new people and starting a new life as a student. Maybe they have even moved to a new city. It is all completely normal and it is the same for all new students – so don’t stress it!
How to get ready for your studies
Your study start consists of 3 different activities that you can read more about below.
In addition, there a a few things you need to do to get ready for starting at CBS. We have made a checklist for you on this page.
Here is a list of things to do. Follow the list and get ready for starting your studies in September. You can do the things in the order that suits you.
You must accept your study place before 30 July, 23:59 CET.
If you do not accept your study place before the deadline, your place will be annulled.
You will find more information in your admission email and at cbs.dk > Answer to your application
To get access to CBS’ digital platforms and get your student ID, you must activate your CBS user profile.
Your user profile is your user name and your password. Your CBS user profile is strictly personal. You should never pass this information on to others.
How to activate your CBS profile
When you have accepted your study place, it may take up to 48 hours before you can activate your CBS profile.
To activate you user profile you need to:
1) register for a multi-factor authentification (MFA).
2) change your password.
Register for a multi-factor authentification:
1) Go to http://help.cbs.dk
2) Click on the link under Register for multi-factor authentification.
3) Log on using your CBS user name and the temporary password. You will find them in your admission email.
4) Follow the instructions.
Change your password:
1) Go to http://help.cbs.dk
2) Click on the link under Change your password.
3) Log on using your CBS user name and the temporary password. You will find them in your admission email.
4) Make a new password. Choose a password you can remember.
5) We also recommend that you provide your personal email and your telephone number, as you can use them to reset your password.
Your CBS account is now activated and ready to use and you are now able to log on to CBS’ digital platforms. However, it may take longer before you can log on to my.cbs.dk.
Did something go wrong?
If you are unable to activate your profile, you can send an email to the IT Support: help@student.cbs.dk
You can order your student ID online, as soon as you have activated your CBS user profile. You will need your student ID for exams, printing, at café Nexus, at the Library, etc.
How to order your student ID:
1) Go to studentcard.cbs.dk
2) Log on with your CBS user profile.
3) Upload a passport-like photo of yourself. Follow the instructions on the website.
4) Pick up your student ID at the Campus Desk at Solbjerg Plads – it will be ready after a week or so.
You can apply for SU from 1 September and create your application from 1 August – however not until the day after you have accepted your study place at CBS. You apply for SU at “MinSU” at www.su.dk
Read more about SU on my.cbs.dk > Student life > SU > Apply for SU – Danish citizen (CBS login required) or www.su.dk
SU for international students
If you are a foreign citizen, there are certain conditions you have to meet. You must also follow a special application process before you can receive any SU.
Read more about SU on my.cbs.dk > Student life > SU > Apply for SU – foreign citizen (CBS login required) or www.su.dk
Please note that processing time may take up to 3 months.
Before each semester or quarter begins, you will get an individual timetable, which shows the classes for the courses you are registered for. Your timetable changes each semester.
Your timetable is updated daily and changes may occur so make sure to check it on a regular basis.
Access to your timetable
To access your personal timetable, you will need your CBS user profile and log on to CBS Calendar. This means that you have to activate your CBS user profile to log on to your timetable. See how to activate your user profile above.
Your personal timetable will be available 9 August, at the latest.
Add your timetable to your personal calendar
You can view your timetable on your phone, and you can add it to your personal calendar to get updates if your classes are changed or cancelled.
You will find a guide in the FAQ on Calendar.
Go to Calendar
We recommend that you sign up for Campus Alert to receive critical emergency information e.g. a fire on campus via text message.
To sign up, text CBS to 1245 (standard messaging rates).
If you have a foreign mobile number, you subscribe by emailing us at safety@cbs.dk
To unsubscribe send a message with the text CBS stop to 1245.
We recommend that you wait until you have actually started your studies before you buy any books – e.g. until the introduction week or after your first classes.
There may be specific requirements for books and calculators. Therefore, it would be unfortunate to buy the wrong books or calculator before you know the requirements.
For each of your courses the professor will uploade a semester plan and curriculum. You can find the semester plan and curriculum for each of your courses in Canvas (CBS login required).
Read more about calculators and books on my.cbs.dk > Courses and exams > Books and Curriculum (CBS login required).
Participate in the 3 activities
We recommend that you participate in all 3 as it will give you the best possible start to CBS and you new study programme.
1) How to Uni
From 9 August 2024
From week 32
How to Uni is an online study start course that will help you with the transition from your previous education to university. Amongst other things, the course will introduce you to your new study programme, student life and study habits.
2) Introduction week
26 – 30 August 2024
Week 35
Get a thorough introduction to CBS, your study programme and student life – and get to know you new classmates. Your study start guides will help you through the introduction week.
3) Study start test
3 – 17 September 2024
Week 36-38
The study start test is an online course that you must pass. The study start test will prepare you for writing academic projects without accidently cheating or plagiarising.
Maybe you also need to…
Here you will find information about other things that may be relevant for you as a new student at CBS.
It can be difficult to find a place to live in Copenhagen. Unfortunately, CBS cannot provide accommodation for students.
We have gathered some ideas for how to find a place to live on my.cbs.dk > Student Life > Housing (CBS login required)
If you need to document that you are a student at CBS, e.g. for a student housing, we will be happy to send you a confirmation. Please note. that you can only get a confirmation of enrolment if you are fully accepted to CBS.
How to get a confirmation of enrolment
To get a confirmation of enrolment you have to send an email to confirmations@cbs.dk. Remember to write from you CBS-mail. We will make the confirmation and send it to you by email as a PDF file. Remember to write from your CBS mail.
We will send the confirmation of enrolment to your CBS email because it is personal and sensitive information, and your CBS email is a secure mail. You will find your CBS user profile and email in your acceptance letter which you received via email.
Read more about confirmations of enrolment on my.cbs.dk > IT and Campus > Guide to the Online Student Service > Confirmation of enrolment (CBS login required)
If you have previously passed courses in an uncompleted programme on bachelor level, you must apply to have to those courses transferred to your bachelor programme at CBS – a so-called credit transfer. We call a credit transfer from a previous education initial credit transfer.
You can read more about how to apply for an initial credit transfer on my.cbs.dk > Credit transfer for previous education (CBS login required)
If you have an functional disability, CBS has several options to help you through your studies at equal terms with your fellow students.
A functional disability can be e.g.:
– dyslexia
– a chronic disease
– a psychological or neurological illness
– a diagnosis
You can apply for support and aids for your studies and/or your exams, the so-called Special Educational Support (SPS), and you can apply for special conditions for your exams, e.g. extended time.
You can also talk to one of our trained student guidance counsellors. They can give you an overview of your options and help you with support and guidance in relation to your studies and the challenges you are facing with a mental, neurological or functional impairment.
Join info meeting about SPS (in Danish)
Wednesday 14 August 2024 we have an online info meeting about SPS. Among other things will will talk about:
– What is SPS?
– Who can apply?
– How is the application process?
– Which documents are required?
Please note that the online meeting is held in Danish. You can read more and find a link to the meeting on my.cbs.dk (the information is in Danish).
You can read more about SPS and how to apply on my.cbs.dk > What is SPS? (CBS login required)
Welcome to CBS. As new to CBS and possibly also to Denmark, there are a lot to take in and a lot of practical aspects to get a hold of. You will need to find a place to live, learn about Danish culture, get to know you fellow students, etc.
Join the welcome events
We recommend that you participate in our welcome events for new international students at CBS. You will find more information about the two events and how to sign up on my.cbs.dk (CBS login required):
– Online Pre-Arrival Seminar for international full-degree students – 14 August 2024
– Welcome event for all new international students – 25 August 2024
Guides for international students
We have made a guide for you as a new international student at CBS with information about:
– welcome events
– how to register in Denmark
– tips on how to find housing
– student life at CBS and in Denmark
– and much more
You will find the guide on the front page of my.cbs.dk and here: International student? A guide to starting at CBS (CBS login required).
Contact our International Student Ambassadors
The International Student Ambassadors are current international students who organise events and offer advice about a variety of topics related to settling into your new life at CBS, in Copenhagen and in Denmark. If you have questions about being an international student at CBS you are welcome to contact them via their Facebook group International Student Ambassadors CBS
Get to know my.cbs.dk
Once the introduction week is over, it is time to get started on your new study programme.
One of the first things you need to get a hold of are the different digital platforms. One of the most important ones is your student intranet my.cbs.dk. It is your entry to everything you need to know as a CBS student.
On my.cbs.dk you will find all you need to know about your programme and student life at CBS. Spend some time on the site, and get to know it.
We have also gathered the most important information you will need right now in the news: Welcome to your new bachelor programme (log in with your CBS user profile).
Check your frontpage on a daily basis
On the frontpage you will find news from your programme and CBS. We do not send any news by email, but expect you to stay updated on my.cbs.dk.
The introductory week was great, and I got to know the other students in the programme. I felt very secure.
The tutors were confident about their plan, and they were very professional. They made sure that we were in an inclusive environment.
BSc in International Shipping and Trade
I changed three times in the morning on my first day at CBS worrying if I’d fit in. I then realised I had to spend five years with these people, so why not introduce the real me on day one? And CBS has room for me to be myself.
BSc in International Business in Asia
Det er svært at være ny. Det var så akavet den første dag og jeg anede vitterligt ikke hvilken dør, jeg skulle gå ind ad. I auditoriet så det ud til, at alle andre kendte hinanden på forhånd og jeg kendte ingen. Der besluttede jeg, at jeg måtte gøre en indsats.
HA almen erhvervsøkonomi
Take a tour on campus
You will find a map of campus here and tips to finding your way around campus on my.cbs.dk > Find your way (CBS login required)
Follow us
You are more than welcome to contact one of our student guidance counsellors in Student Hub if you have questions or just need to talk to someone. We are ready to help you get a good start on your new studies and CBS.
Consider Student Hub your main entry to the study administration. Here you can get guidance and information about all things big and small in relation to your studies.
Opening hours
- Monday – Thursday: 10:00-15:00
Contact information
If you have questions about introduction week you can find contact information for your study start guides on Introduction week