Welcome to BSc BLC
On this page, you can find the full programme for the introduction week at your study programme, as well as contact information and links to social media.
Remember to keep yourself up to date as changes may occur up until the introduction week.
We are very much looking forward to welcoming you all when you start your new studies after the summer!
Welcome from your guides
Welcome to CBS and to Business, Language and Culture! Hola, Bonjour, Hallo!
We hope you are as excited as we are to have a fun introweek and a great upcoming semester! We know that you might feel a little nervous right now, but we can assure you that after the introweek you will feel a lot better, after you have gotten to know us (your fun and cool fresh guides) and your fellow freshies!
We have prepared an introduction week for all of you guys where you will get to know the new students, CBS and the BLC program. The introweek will prepare you for both the social and academic part of university and we therefore strongly recommend that you take part in it! We are super excited to welcome you into the BLC-family and show you how much fun it is to be a part of the community!
We have made a facebook group for the whole BLC 24′ so if you scroll down and click on the facebook icon you could join the group and already find your fellow new students!
We hope to see you all there!
Kind regards,
Olle Bonnedahl & Kristine Aass Rud
Welcome from Programme Director
Dear class of 2024,
Welcome to BLC!
The BLC program is looking forward to engaging with you over the coming three years.
University is a great place to experience the junction between intellectual activity, social interaction, and societal engagement, and will give you a unique opportunity to develop your skills, abilities and values.
You have chosen a program, which in 2024 celebrates its 40 years anniversary. The BLC will provide you with deep knowledge of a wide range of business economic, political, and intercultural issues in the context of international business and sustainability, and your chosen language area. The programme will prepare you for further studies and/or the job market.
As you probably already know, you will be the last BLC cohort, as CBS has made a strategic decision to phase out programmes with languages. Nevertheless, the CBS is deeply committed to make sure that your education experience over the coming three years will be of the same quality as that of previous BLC cohorts!
My warmest wishes for you and your cohort,
Michael W. Hansen
Programme Director
Programme for the introduction week
Activities at CBS will appear in your schedule, which you will find at calendar.cbs.dk. Please be aware that the below programme may differ slightly from calendar.cbs.dk, as it shows the room booking timeslots. It is the timeslots in the programme below that you must follow.
Activities outside CBS, e.g. social events, will not appear in your schedule, but only in the programme below.
Meet your study start guides
Hey everyone!
We are a team of 14 fresh guides that are super excited to meet you all! We are a group of people from different countries and various semesters, all coming together to make a super introweek. We are really looking forward to meeting each and every one of you. Whether it’s helping you find your way around, sharing some cool stories, or just hanging out, we are here to make sure you have a great time. Can’t wait to get started and have an awesome week with you all!
See you soon!
From your best FRESH team: Frieder, Cathrine, Magnus, Emily, Malia, Erik, Olle, Ebba, Simon, Maria, Maxi, Anna, Rebeca & Kristine
BSc BLC social media
If you have any questions about the introduction week, feel free to reach out to your study start coordinators.
Kristine Aass Rud
Phone: +47 98857868
Email: kristineaassrud@gmail.com
Olle Bonnedahl
Phone: +45 91988235
Email: olle.bonnedahl@gmail.com
If you have any questions about your study programme, you are also welcome to contact your programme management:
Programme Manager / The Study Board for BSc / MSc BLC: SB-BLC@cbs.dk
Programme Director: Michael Wendelboe Hansen, mwh.msc@cbs.dk