Welcome to BSc IB
On this page, you can find the full programme for the introduction week at your study programme, as well as contact information and links to social media.
Remember to keep yourself up to date as changes may occur up until the introduction week.
Welcome from your guides
Welcome to CBS and to International Business!
First and foremost, we want to congratulate you on getting accepted. We have put together a fun, engaging, and academic schedule for the introduction week. We strongly encourage you to participate in the introduction week, as it will provide you with a strong social and academic foundation for your studies at IB.
We look forward to seeing you all there!
With kind and excited regards,
Frida Møller & Patrick Thimm
Studiestartskoordinatorer, BSc IB
Welcome from Programme Director
Congratulations and welcome to the International Business (IB) programme. It is both an honor and a privilege for me to welcome you to this amazing community, the IB family. I look forward to engaging with you in various ways throughout the years studying IB and later as proud alumni. Faculty and staff are also looking forward to talking to you and interacting with you during classes as well as in various events, both social and academic. At IB, we are a tight knit family. You will make friends here who will be a part of your life for a long time, with those friendships extending to those who have joined before and those who will come after you. In fact, we intentionally want and strive for you to have room in your schedules to develop relationships. If you don’t take the time to get to know someone different than who you are, you have missed the IB experience.
At the IB program, we strive to provide education that addresses the challenges posed by the shifting social, legal, economic, political, and technological conditions in the global setting and allows the students to emerge better prepared to cope with the forces that govern today’s world. The past years have demonstrated how the world can change in an instant. It has also showed the significance of research and universities in solving global crises, with research-based knowledge needed now more than ever. Our curriculum is rigorous and provides the opportunity to learn the business environment while equipping you with skills to analyze the market and meet business challenges in the global society. It contains a variety of courses and learning styles and components that reinforce and build upon each other, and, subsequently, advance students along an effective path towards the desired outcome of being able to engage in multidisciplinary and integrated decision making in IB settings.
Once again, I wish you a warm welcome, and a wonderful and fruitful student life in the IB program.
Bersant Hobdari
Programme Director
Programme for the introduction week
Activities at CBS will appear in your schedule, which you will find at calendar.cbs.dk. Please be aware that the below programme may differ slightly from calendar.cbs.dk, as it shows the room booking timeslots. It is the timeslots in the programme below that you must follow.
Activities outside CBS, e.g. social events, will not appear in your schedule, but only in the programme below.
Meet your study start guides
We are an amazing group of 23 study start guides who just finished the first year at IB. Last year’s introduction week was an incredible experience, and we’ve done everything we can to create the perfect intro week to kick off what will be three amazing years for you.
We hope you’re as excited about week 35 as we are — maybe a bit nervous, but mostly thrilled to join in. We’re eagerly counting down the days and can’t wait to meet each and every one of you. See you soon!
BSc IB social media
Facebook: BSc in International Business ’27
Instagram: Ibintro24
Contact information
If you have any questions about the introduction week, feel free to reach out to your study start coordinators.
Patrick Thimm
Phone: +45 27 82 84 25
Frida Møller
Phone: +45 23 34 60 10
If you have questions concerning your study programme, you can also contact the programme management:
Programme Manager: Pascale Florentsen, pf.stu@cbs.dk or +45 38 15 27 61
Programme Director: Bersant Hobdari, bh.int@cbs.dk or +45 38 15 25 18