Welcome to BSc IBP
On this page, you can find the full programme for the introduction week at your study programme, as well as contact information and links to social media.
Remember to keep yourself up to date as changes may occur up until the introduction week.
And remember to follow us on instagram and Facebook. You can find the links to it in the bottom of the page.
Welcome from your guides
Welcome to CBS and to International Business and Politics!
First and foremost, we want to congratulate you all on getting in. We are sure you will love it just as much as we do and will do our best to get you off to a great start. Finally, the wait is coming to an end, and we are over the moon about meeting you and bringing this intro-week into the world.
We have prepared a fun, academic and action-packed programme for the introduction week that will take place in week 35, which we are looking forward to sharing with you. Participating in the introweek gives many students at IBP a solid foundation for the coming three years, setting you off to a great start socially as well as academically.
We hope to see you all there!
With kind and excited regards,
Ida Mollerup & Magnus Ankjaer (IBP Study Start Coordinators 2024)
Welcome from Programme Director
You are now university students. Expect to be challenged intellectually and socially. Your formal studies are meant to challenge you. This is especially the case for IBP, where you will develop social science analytical skills that move across a range of fields. It’s a lot to take in. Be curious. Do the readings. Know that if you have a feeling of being a little out of your depth then that’s perfectly normal. Others feel the same, so talk to your peers. That leads us to the social challenge. There is no ‘bell curve’ grading in IBP, so your victories are not based on others’ defeat. Be nice. Make friends and learn from each other. Talk to your Mentors.
We know what kinds of jobs IBP students have after their studies. They are consultants and policy professionals, among other roles. They have highly developed interdisciplinary analytical skills. They know how to search for knowledge and how to process it. They can ‘zoom out’ to explore the context and ‘zoom in’ to provide solutions. These are the skills you’ll acquire in the coming years, as well as adopting the Nordic Nine values that place a premium on broad analytical skills, critical thinking, and global connections. Welcome to IBP.
Len Seabrooke
Programme for the introduction week
Activities at CBS will appear in your schedule, which you will find at calendar.cbs.dk. Please be aware that the below programme may differ slightly from calendar.cbs.dk, as it shows the room booking timeslots. It is the timeslots in the programme below that you must follow.
Activities outside CBS, e.g. social events, will not appear in your schedule, but only in the programme below.
Meet your study start guides
We are 14 study start guides who just finished their first year at IBP. We all had an absolutely incredible week last year, and have done everything possible to arrange the perfect intro week, setting you guys off to three of the best years of your life.
Hopefully you are as excited about week 35 as us. We are counting down the days, and cannot wait to meet all of you. Make sure to join the Facebook group and follow along on Instagram – we will post more info on these platforms and among other things you will be able to get to know us study start guides a bit more… See you soon!
BSc IBP social media
Facebook: BSc. International Business and Politics 2024-2027
Instagram: Ibpintro24
Contact information
If you have any questions about the introduction week, feel free to reach out to your study start coordinators.
Magnus Ankjaer
Phone: +45 21 81 22 95
Email: maan23ad@student.cbs.dk
Ida Mollerup
Phone: +45 40 56 77 15
Email: idmo23ac@student.cbs.dk
If you have questions concerning your study programme, you can also contact the programme management:
Programme Manager: Helle Bunde, hbu.stu@cbs.dk
Programme Director: Leonard Seabrooke, lse.ioa@cbs.dk