Welcome to BSc Shipping
On this page, you can find the full program for the introduction week at your study programme, as well as contact information and links to social media.
Remember to keep yourself up to date as changes may occur up until the introduction week.
Welcome from your guides
Welcome to CBS and to International Shipping and Trade!
First and foremost, we want to congratulate you on getting in. We are super excited to be a part of your new beginning and we cannot wait until we can see you and welcome you during our intro-week!
We have prepared an interesting and captivating programme for the introduction week that will take place in week 35, which we are looking forward to sharing with you. That will allow you to get to know your peers and give you all the information you need to settle into the academic and social life at our school.
We hope to see you all there!
The study start guides/coordinators at IST
Welcome from Programme Director
Congratulations! You made it into the prestigious BSc in International Shipping and Trade, which has a very strong foundation in business.
In the next three years, my colleagues and I will give you numerous exciting learning opportunities that will enable you to build a unique academic profile. On top of that, internships in shipping, trade and logistics companies will give you invaluable, hands-on business experiences. This will give you a competitive edge in the labour market.
You will soon discover a very active student community in our program, where students share interests and care for each other.
We expect a great deal of persistence and endurance from you. We will do all we can to challenge you, and expect you to take charge of your own studies. Curiosity and an open mindset – combined with a strong work ethic and a collaborative attitude – will bring you very far.
I warmly welcome you to your new academic home at CBS and to the exciting world of international shipping, trade and logistics. Welcome onboard!
Liping Jiang
Programme Director
Programme for the introduction week
Activities at CBS will appear in your schedule, which you will find at calendar.cbs.dk. Please be aware that the below programme may differ slightly from calendar.cbs.dk, as it shows the room booking timeslots. It is the timeslots in the programme below that you must follow.
Activities outside CBS, e.g. social events, will not appear in your schedule, but only in the programme below.
Meet your study start guides
We are 9 study guides from second years at International Shipping and Trade, we have put all of our efforts into making this intro-week an unforgettable event for all of you. We look forward to showing you what we have prepared and to have an amazing time with all of you in week 35!!
We all became study guides because we want to make sure you are well prepared for the upcoming school year as well as help you start out your new social life at CBS.
We cannot wait to meet you all and we hope you are just as excited about this as we are! See you soon!
BSc Shiping social media
Facebook: International Shipping and Trade 27
Instagram: cbs_ist27
Contact information
If you have any questions about the introduction week, you are welcome to contact your study start coordinator:
Maja Piotrowiak
Email: mapi23ac@student.cbs.dk
If you have any questions about International Shipping & Trade, please contact the programme management:
Programme Manager: Pascale Florentsen, pf.stu@cbs.dk
Programme Director: Liping Jiang, lji.om@cbs.dk